Q: What time is check in / check out at the Crowne Plaza hotel?
A: Check in is 3:00pm and check out is 11:00am.
Q: What is the pet policy at the Crowne Plaza hotel?
A: Crowne Plaza is a dog friendly hotel. You can read more about the Crowne Plaza hotel’s pet policy by clicking here.
Q: What will the weather be like in Rhode Island in late September?
A: While the weather is quite unpredictable in the Northeast, typical late September days see highs in the low to mid 70s and evening temps falling to mid 50s.
Q: What is the dress code?
A: All of our events are casual. You can dress in attire you are most comfortable wearing.
Q: Can children attend O’Fest?
A: Yes! Children are welcome to attend. Any child aged 11 or younger may attend for free with a registered guardian, but children 12 and older require their own admission to attend.
Q: Do I have to pay to attend the Fort Adams Concours?
A: Spectators may attend the Fort Adams Concours on Saturday, September 30 for free. Parking is also free!
Q: What is the closest Airport?
A: T.F. Green International Airport is the closest.
Q: Is there an airport shuttle?
A: Yes! The hotel has a free airport shuttle.
Q: Are there charging stations nearby?
A: There are level 2 ChargePoint charging stations within a few blocks of the hotel at 708 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RI 02886 as well as level 3 and level 2 charging stations at the Warwick Park & Ride at 292 Centerville Rd, Warwick, RI 02886.
Q: Will there be vegetarian options at all meals?
A: Yes, all meals this year will serve vegetarian options.